Ruby Bindings for E-Commerce Tutorial

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One of the main things that people often want to do is to integrate Directed Edge's recommendation engine into their online store. Many of those stores are using Ruby already, so we decided to give a very concrete walk-through of doing recommendations based on previous customer purchases starting from exporting data all the way to keeping it in sync.

If you want to see all of the code in one go, you can get it in full syntax-highlighted glory here: ExampleStore Class, or download it here. You'll also want our Ruby bindings, which you can get from GitHub here (download).

Creating the testing database

You've probably got your own site's database that you're more interested in, but if you want to follow along in the code, you can use the store data that we randomly generated. We created 2000 users with 500 products and had each of those users "buy" between 0 and 30 products.

For that we created three very simple tables. Since we don't care about the other properties of the customers or products, all that those tables contain is an ID. The purchase table just contains customer and product columns.

customers table:


products table:


purchases table:

customer product

It really can't get much simpler than that. You can get a dump of the database here. If you have a local MySQL running, you can create and import the database with these commands:

$ mysql --user=root

You should now be at the MySQL prompt:

mysql> create database examplestore;
mysql> create user 'examplestore'@'localhost' identified by 'password';
mysql> grant all on examplestore.* to 'examplestore'@'localhost';

Now back at the command line do:

$ mysql --user=examplestore -p examplestore < examplestore.mysql

Unless you changed the password above, the password is just password. You've now got the same data that the examples use imported to a database called examplestore.

Setting up the Ruby plumbing

Here we just do the standard ruby hashbang and import three modules. Ruby gems is required since we've pulled in activerecord via gem. ActiveRecord is the object relational mapping that is standard with Ruby on Rails and we'll be using it to access our MySQL database. And finally, we use the [Ruby bindings for the Directed Edge API.


require 'rubygems'
require 'activerecord'
require 'directed_edge'

Setting up ActiveRecord

ActiveRecord handles connecting to the database for us and is the mechanism that most Ruby web apps use to do the same. To connect with ActiveRecord we have to supply the usual information — database type, host, user name, password and database name.

Based on the database that we imported above, these connection values should work.

ActiveRecord also handles most of the magic of mapping Ruby classes to database tables. It can figure out that the customers table corresponds to the Customer (and the some for products and purchases) just by inheriting from the ActiveRecord base class.

ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(:adapter => 'mysql',
                                        :host => 'localhost',
                                        :username => 'examplestore',
                                        :password => 'password',
                                        :database => 'examplestore')

class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base

class Product < ActiveRecord::Base

class Purchase < ActiveRecord::Base

In place of Customer, Product and Purchase you'll want to substitute in the values that correspond to your database.

ExampleStore class and constructor

We call the class that we're working with ExampleStore. Again, you'll want to change that to fit your needs. Just as a reminder, the full source of the class is here.

The interesting bit here is the connection to the Directed Edge database. Since several methods in the class use the Directed Edge database, we just set up the connection once. This, fairly obviously, assumes that your user / database name is examplestore and your password is password.

class ExampleStore
  def initialize
    @database ='examplestore', 'password')

Exporting your data to a Directed Edge formatted XML file

Communication with the Directed Edge database is all done with our XML Format. The Ruby bindings make it easy to create files in that format that you can later import to your Directed Edge database.

Basic algorithm

  • Loop through all of the customers in your store, creating a DirectedEdge::Item for each customer, and marking it as a customer by giving it a customer tag
  • While looping through the customers, for each customer, also loop through all of their purchases, creating a link from the user to the purchased products
  • Loop through all of the products in your store, creating a DirectedEdge::Item for each product, and marking it as a product by giving it a product tag

Encoding product and user IDs from the database

In the MySQL tables the product table has a simple integer id field as does the customer table. We want to encode those as unique identifiers for the Directed Edge database, which doesn't have separate tables for different item types.

So what we do is take the integer ID and prepend the words product and customer. So the row from the MySQL customer table with the ID 1 becomes customer1. The product from the MySQL product table with ID 2 becomes product2. It's not exactly rocket surgery.

The code in the comments should help you with more fine-grained details.

  def export_from_mysql

    # Use the handy Directed Edge XML exporter to collect store data up to this
    # point
    exporter ='examplestore.xml')

    # Loop through every customer in the database
    Customer.find(:all).each do |customer|

      # Create a new item in the Directed Edge export file with the ID "customer12345"
      item =, "customer#{}")

      # Mark this item as a customer with a tag

      # Find all of the purchases for the current customer
      purchases = Purchase.find(:all, :conditions => { :customer => })

      # For each purchase create a link from the customer to that item of the form
      # "product12345"
      purchases.each { |purchase| item.link_to("product#{purchase.product}") }

      # And now write the item to the export file

    # Now go through all of the products creating items for them
    Product.find(:all).each do |product|

      # Here we'll also use the form "product12345" for our products
      item =, "product#{}")

      # And mark it as a product with a tag

      # And export it to the file

    # We have to tell the exporter to clean up and finish up the file